Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy NEW YEAR + TOP POSTS 2009!

Happy NEW YEAR to every visitor of our blogs!

Sylvester fire works Kuala Lumpur 2009 - Happy NEW YEAR 2010

The most read blog reviews in 2009 have been:

Is this girl really so rebellious?

Get free Insider-Information for your Job, Business, blog and real estate investment

Increase your Page Rank with Reena's blog!

The Bad Blogger

Make Money Tips from a CAMEL!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The winners of our Holiday-Contest!

Congratulations to the 10 winners:

Not all members who dropped cards commented on all five blogs, so i only took the persons who commented on the specific blog into the drawing.

If someone won the same prize on another blog, this prize has been put back and was chosen again for another blog.

Winner of the ad prizes should comment on this blog and give me a link to their ad image which they want to display or tell me if i can use the EntreCard ad image!

The prizes for the other blogs will be published day by day :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Win free ad space in our Holiday-Contest!

All you have to do is... just drop your EntreCards on one or more of the our mentioned blogs and make ONE comment on this post for having the chance to win FREE Advertising on Cornyman's Blogreviews (from 19th to 27th November).

The prizes have a worth of more than 200$, you can see them on this Holiday-Contest post. If you do a blog post about this Holiday-Contest, you can get some free ECs, too.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Are we not all Bwagaga! :)

Long time no blog review written :) Now i start again and hope i can post twice weekly new blog reviews for you!

This time it's about a blog who presents very short stories, kind of jokes which could happen in your life, too.

If you want to know what happened with the speech at the wedding or why you should take care where you pee then it's time to visit and read the stories. It just will take you less than half a minute for one story :)

Other stories include how to surprise your boyfriend, the proposal, the open window.

And there are many more short stories which are all Bwagaga! At the moment you can read over 40 Bwagagas, so i hope you take yourself a short time-out and hop over to

(also a member of Dropaholics, that's how i discovered the blog)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is this girl really so rebellious?

This is one of my favorite personal diary blogs from Entrecard.
It's about Mona, the Rebellious Arab Girl. But wait, what do you think about her title? Does it really reflect herself?

Mona has two opposite sides. The one is really the rebellious side, for example when she wants to run for president as an Arab girl because it's time for a change!

Or there are several posts about the quarrels with her conservative parents about the way they think and she has already arrived in the "new" western world (as they all live in Canada, the relatives live in Lebanon) which makes her a very controversial women in the Arabian blogging world.

The "Short memory?" post is one of these famous "quarrel" posts. it's amazing how funny and realistic she writes her own life stories, don't you think so?

The other side reflects the life as a woman from next door with all the troubles and joys in life that can appear. One day you are happy because you will go and make a long holiday, on the next day you start worrying when you will find again a new and good job or think about why not having kids is a better choice.

In case you like some hot discussions about controversial topics regarding the arabian and the western world or the old and the new way of life, you will find each month enough posts to post your comments and wait for Mona's reply.

Have a good time with this Rebellious Arab Girl!

PS: Her favourite Quote -> "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Get free Insider-Information for your Job, Business, blog and real estate investment

I found this blog from Eli some weeks ago as he started to advertise in Adgitize. Soon after this, he joined EntreCard and i could "favorite" him there.
Eli is one of the uprising "stars" in Entrecard. He is not only one of the interesting persons in EntreCard (and outside of EntreCard). He is also one of the best marketing strategists. Like he mentioned on The One Minute Guide, he achieved to be not only one of the most popular within the Business category in less than 3 weeks.
He already climbed in the overall popularity ranking inside of EntreCard to the Top 30 (which is equal to more than 300 EntreCard visitors/day).

Now we come to the interesting facts in his well-written blog.There you can learn about the ways to

If you want to get these insider information for free from a professional lawyer, management consultant, real estate broker and former Professor of Economics and Business Management, then you have to head over to the right place with Eli and his

Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Want to stay healthy - read this blog!

Let's take a look at this health related blog which i have found in the last weeks through Entrecard.

It is Family Health Avenue.

They have some interesting posts like

Also check out their other areas which they write about, you can see them at the right hand side of the blog!

Stay healthy and have a good week!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Increase your PageRank with Reena's blog!

Atniz - Work from home screenshotReena is a work-at-home-mom who has specialised in High PR Link building activities which will help you to increase your PageRank and your SERP (Search Engine Result Page) Ranking.
Therefore she wrote and writes many articles concerning these topics. The other big amout of topics include make money tips like Paid posts, earn as an affiliate and so on.

Here are some links to popular topics on her website Atniz - Work From Home:
I wish all of you good luck in choosing the right keywords and commenting on DoFollow blogs. Just read what Reena has to teach us all about it, i think you can learn a lot new things from her. She is also a very active EntreCard member, don't forget to drop your card on her!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Make Money Tips from a CAMEL!!

This time i present you a blog which is owned by Kamila, the CAMEL from Bulgaria!

She gives a lot of helpful advices in these areas

  • Make money with detailed explainations of the programs
  • simple SEO (Search Engine Optimization) advice for better ranking in Goggle and so on
  • Entrecard and Adgitize tips
  • How to get more exposure by submitting your Blog to Blog directories
I guess, it worth a look into her blog and some of her advices she is giving us there. You won't regret it.

And if you are a member of Entrecard and Adgitize you could also drop your card and click on the Adgitize ad :-)

So both will win something! Here is the link for Kamila The Camel - A Camel in Bulgaria

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Ad Master - Advertise everywhere

The Ad Master - Advertise everywhereI guess everyone from Entrecard knows about whom i will write now. And the persons who never have seen her ad in the Entrecard Blogosphere will say, perhaps i should decide to use Entrecard as additional traffic source for my blog, too.

The reason for this decision is very simple. The Ad Master is the most popular member of Entrecard, reaching around 400 - 500 members each day.

You may ask now, why is this blog so popular among Entrecard members?

It's very simple, she works hard to publish a good content and presents it with eye-catching pictures.

Most of the articles are especially written for bloggers and how to write / publish / construct a better blog which will attract more visitors.

Here are some of her interesting and readworthy articles!

For a full overview of her amazing articles visit
The Admaster - Advertise everywhere .

Friday, June 19, 2009

Random Reviews - Funny Humor Blogs!

laughing smiley
This week i start new short reviews category in which i mention up to 7 blogs in a special niche.

This time you can visit three humor blogs which have been very funny in the last weeks!

  1. - Collections of funny pictures and videos, as well as stories of my life.
    Look out for this story How to make money fast ... not quite.

  2. Makes You Laugh - Cry Without It - If you find yourself smiling, giggling, or with exuberant laughter, then this blog accomplished what it was intended for. Here you will find many pleasures, such as jokes, pictures, videos etc.
    Read this list 101 Things not to say during sex

  3. LOL Factory - Funny, Weird and Crazy Video Clips, TV ads and Cartoons for Everybody! All our funny videos are hand-picked on a daily basis!
    Watch this Minimalism - Commercial for the Mini (car)
Take a look at them, brighten your day with a laughter!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Bad Blogger

This is one of the blogs i found while dropping my EntreCards in the last weeks.
I guess there will be more blogs from the EntreCard-Community to review in the coming weeks because i have found there some other good stuff, too.

Now, what's the Bad Blogger all about, what do i think could be interesting for all of you?

  • His writing style
  • His topics (very valuable blogging tips, copywriting secrects, internet marketing secrets and sexual secrets)
  • and you are allowed to post some of his posts on your own blog!

You want some examples, just have a look at his recent blog article titles!

How To Convert Your New Commentators To Loyal Visitors And Convert Them Automatically Without Doing Any Hard Work Whatsoever !

How To Increase Backlinks For Free ?

How To Increase Your Readership By Changing One Simple Thing On Your Blog And Change It Without Touching Your Headline, Your Blog Theme And Even Your Content !

How To Optimize Your Blog Posts For Search Engines !

The 4 Exclusive Teasing Hot Spots On Your Lovely Beautiful Girl’s Upper Body (These Are The Hot Spot Which Every Girls Badly Desire Their Love One To Know)

I guess, these titles would make you also more appetite to read what's inside the posts?

I highly recommend to have a look at his blog:

The Bad Blogger - A blog where Money and Sex are concern

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I want 1 of those - Latest tech and gadget news

In this young blog (started just in may 2009) we get to know many things about new technical gadgets like
If you look for the latest in the mobile phone sector, you should definitely have a look at i WaNt 1 oF tHose.

I guess you will find enough information about the new gadgets and if it would be worth the money!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - How to make money on the Internet

Hey, again a new blog review.

This time it's about an amazing Make Money Online-Blog. My first impression as i dropped my Entrecard on this blog was -WOW-. The theme looks very professional and the articles are impressive and informative and another surprise follows at the end of this post ;-)

He build many tutorials and guides around the topic of earning money from/with the internet.

There is a section for beginners - Make money on the Internet - For Beginners or other articles which will guide you through the topic of Make Money by blogging
  • About the different blogging platforms
  • Domains
  • Templates
  • writing articles
  • getting traffic
  • purchasing traffic
  • monetizing the blog
  • blending the ads on your blog
  • private advertising

I believe everybody who wants to earn some additional money with their blogs or just with some other websites which he recommends are worth the time to read through some of his posts.

And the other surprise for you will be... the guy is just 15 years old!

Have a great time with

How to make money on the Internet!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

OMNINOGIN.COM - Helpful blogging resources

While looking for some helpful tips about blogging i came across Thaya Kareeson's OMNINOGIN webpage.

He writes many article for the Wordpress blog application (especially the free by himself developed plugins!) but you can use most of his articles for any sort of blog.

His writing style is fresh and informative. He provides the blogger community with everything they need. Articles for beginners and experienced bloggers can be found and are easily to understand!

Each weekend he provides us with his weekend links. There you will find many good additional resources from other blogs which he recommends for being a successful blog webmaster!

Hope you enjoy his blog!

WordPress, Web Development, Webmastering From the Ground Up

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jong's Trivialities and Stuff

Jong's Trivialities and Stuff blog is different than other blogs. He has a large list of everyday questions and answers for you.

It's a kind of Yahoo Answers! With the difference that he gives us already the correct answer to the questions.

Here are some of the questions that he has answered yet:

  • Is it true that eating peanuts causes acne?
  • How strong is the spider's silk?
  • What makes us crying while slicing an onion?
  • What is the purpose of yawning?
  • Why do people blink?
I guess everyone can find here some good answers for everyday questions or just for getting a new view on some things which we have to face daily.

Here you can inform yourself about this fantastic website!

Jong's Trivialities and Stuff

What do you think about his blog?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Zenplate - free blog templates - free blog themes -

Here is the first Blog review from me.

It's about awesome blogger templates. I found this blog with the random blogvisit link from
It's on some pages available, usually you can find it on the top and it's called "next blog". You click on it and then you will be re-directed to a new blog (i think mostly this are blogs who have been updated recently).

The blog from this review can be found here:

There are so many different templates -from comics to wallpapers, from different topics to just a mixture of colors.

I guess you will find there a lot of templates and you will say the same like me: " Why couldn't i find this page early - and it's for free!" :-)

You can search for templates by clicking the menu on the top, there you see a great choice of different topics, no matter if one, two, three or four columns, with pictures or just colors, special themes like wedding, entertainment, scrolling and many more.

Just have a look like i did and fall in love with the templates and the blog!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to Cornymans Blogreviews

Dear readers of Cornymans Blogreviews,

in this blog you will see a lot of reviews of blogs which i visit (my favorites) or which have been requested by bloggers to be reviewed.

For a review request a link exchange to my blog(s) will be necessary.

A request is easy, just leave me your link to your blog in this post as a comment.

These blogs won't be reviewed
  1. containing pornography or links to adult websites
  2. offensive and promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual
  3. offensive, illegal or violating the rights and laws
I check the blogs randomly on any abuse to these terms. In case of an abuse the review will be deleted.

Any other topics are welcome to be reviewed by me.

A screen shot will be taken from the blog and posted in the beginning of the review. If you like to have an updated screen shot after some days/weeks kindly report it in the comment section of the review post.


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