Eli is one of the uprising "stars" in Entrecard. He is not only one of the interesting persons in EntreCard (and outside of EntreCard). He is also one of the best marketing strategists. Like he mentioned on The One Minute Guide, he achieved to be not only one of the most popular within the Business category in less than 3 weeks.
He already climbed in the overall popularity ranking inside of EntreCard to the Top 30 (which is equal to more than 300 EntreCard visitors/day).
Now we come to the interesting facts in his well-written blog.There you can learn about the ways to
- be a successful Entrepreneur
- be less dependent on your job in our recession time
- get what you want with his ten winning negotiating strategies
- market yourself and go ahead
- get into the hottest jobs
- invest in the real estate market even you have little money.
If you want to get these insider information for free from a professional lawyer, management consultant, real estate broker and former Professor of Economics and Business Management, then you have to head over to the right place with Eli and his
Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate.